It is camping season! Everybody is ready to go and enjoy the great outdoors. Make sure that you have everything you need by using our handy camping checklist. Ensure your camping trip is the best it can be by having all the camping gear you need when you arrive.
OurWares Camping Checklist
We suggest you print the following and laminate it for use every time you camp. You can check off items as they’re packed with a dry erase marker. Also, use this camping checklist when you pack up to return home!
While this may seem obvious, there is nothing worse than forgetting the essentials. You will be busy when you are getting prepared to go. So checking off these items is a positive way to ensure a successful camping trip.
Tarp, or ground cover, for under tent
Shade tarp
Extra stakes
Hammer to put in stakes
Patch kit
Broom to sweep out tent
Essential Clothing
In addition to the regular clothes that you are going to bring on your camping trip, it is important that you also bring:
Extra socks and underwear
Rain gear
Sun hat
Swimsuit and towel
Extra shoes
Laundry bag
Having everything you need for a good night’s sleep when you are out camping is more than essential. A good night’s sleep means you’re ready for tomorrow’s adventure! Believe it or not, bedding is one of the most often forgotten items on any camping trip. Make sure that you include all your bedding needs with your camping gear.
Air mattress
Air mattress pump
Sleeping bags
Patch kit for air mattress
Cooking Essentials
Cooking at the campsite is part of the fun of any camping trip. Make sure that you have everything you need for each meal you’ll be eating. Nothing is worse than having a great time all day and not being able to cook when you get back to your campsite.
Wood for campfire
Charcoal or propane depending on type of cook stove
Pots and Pans
Skewers for marshmallows (or really ‘rough it’ and cut saplings for toasting marshmallows!)
Large spoon
Mixing bowl
Dish Pan and Dish Soap

Backpacks. Free public domain CC0 photo.
Personal Care Items
Personal care items are essential for every vacation. Sadly, they are often forgotten. We leave these items until absolutely last because they are used right before you leave. Then they are forgotten. Make sure that you pack your personal essentials so that you don’t have to make an emergency trip to the store.
Brush or Comb
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Soap or body wash, shampoo
Razor and shaving cream (unless that’s not your thing while on vacation!)
Toilet paper
Shower shoes or flip flops
Feminine products
First Aid
It is always wise to be prepared for accidents and small injuries. Afterall, you are going to be outside exploring for several days. Make sure that you have what you need to take care of minor injuries while you are on your camping trip. And keep away from the Poison Ivy!
Standard first aid kit
Blister care (mole skin)
Antibiotic cream
Burn cream
Bug bite / Sting relief
Ace bandage
Calamine lotion
Miscellaneous Personal Items
Flashlight and batteries
Cell phone charger
Note pad and pen
Water bottle
Hand wipes
Small sewing kit
Vehicle Travel Items
Spare tire
Jumper cables
Paper maps
Pocket knife
Road service phone numbers
Copy of insurance card
Outdoor Items
A final thing to think about while you are packing your camping gear is the different items you may need. These are basic items that will ensure that your camping trip is great.
Bug repellant
Lip screen or chapstick
Hand lotion
Pain reliever