Camping Gear – it either makes or breaks your outdoor adventure! It is never a bad time of year to get ready for your next camping adventure. Having the right camping gear is essential for any successful camping trip. Lots of camping items will double in your everyday life as well. For example, you cannot have enough flashlights! And when the power goes out, be prepared with cookin gear. So before you go on your next adventure, make sure you have the following items:
OurWares List of Essential Camping Gear
We’ll start our must-have list off with the obvious essential – a flashlight. Whether you’re using one for navigating in the dark or making cool shadow creatures on the tent wall, a reliable light is crucial! The Energizer Vision HD Ultra flashlight gives you a bright LED light while remaining lightweight enough to hold for long walks in the woods. Don’t forget to bring some fresh batteries.
Sleeping Bag
Finding comfort in the outdoors makes all the difference between enjoyable memories or drudgery. When looking for an all-around great sleeping bag, consider temperature as well as portability. That’s why we love Coleman sleeping bags! The Coleman Palmetto sleeping bag is a lightweight bag that provides superior protection from the weather. This bag will still keep you warm when the temperature drops to 30 degrees. Lightweight for easy carrying and very soft to the touch.
Dome Tent
It goes without saying that shelter is at the top of the list for an outdoor adventure. If your family isn’t comfy, no one will sleep. And if no one gets good sleep – well, you know! The Core Dome Tent sleeps six people comfortably. This tent is made from water-resistant materials and is designed for quick water runoff. The rain fly is removable if you want to enjoy the view through the mesh roof of the tent. Privacy coverings are available for windows and doors. The tent is designed to pull cooler air from the ground and push warmer air out the top for comfortable sleeping.
Rocker Chair
Having a comfortable place to sit when you are camping is a must. And even better if you can rock! We look for a chair that’s lightweight yet sturdy. No sense having a nice chair if it’s too cumbersome to bring with you! The GCI Outdoor Rocking Chair is the right choice for comfort. The chair is designed to be lightweight but holds weights up to 250 pounds. The mesh backing helps keep the seat cool while in use, and the rocker glides easily, regardless of the terrain. Folds down flat for easy packing and carrying.
Every camping gear list must include a cooler. Keep in mind that when you’re outside, you tend to be more hungry! Seriously. Fresh air creates healthy appetites. Consider having two coolers. One for drinks; one for food. The Igloo BMX 52-quart cooler is the ultimate camping cooler. Made with thicker insulation than your standard cooler, you can generally retain ice in 90-degree weather for four or five days. The cooler is designed to be easy to carry, easy to latch, and easy to drain. It is designed so that less of the body of the cooler “sits” on the surface, ensuring your items stay cooler longer. Upgrades to the latches and drain ensure longer use without rust or breaking.
Upscale your camping trip with a portable grill. Trust us. Everything tastes better when it’s cooked outside! Some things cannot be cooked on a campfire. When you have the Weber Q1200 Portable Grill, you will not have to worry about what you can and cannot cook while camping. This grill has a cast aluminum body with cast iron grates to ensure durability. It runs on 14-ounce cans of LP gas which are lightweight to carry and long-lasting. The grill has sideboards to make cooking easier. This is a camping gear must-have for any camping trip.
The Take Away
OurWares reviews lots of outdoor products. We recommend items for all budgets as well as specialty products. For instance, a cooler light! Yeah, it’s pretty ‘cool’. We have done the work for you. All you do is shop and #GetOutdoors!